A new trading economy
The networks and groups in Bonailie are there to support you, to collaborate with each other, discuss common challenges, elevate and increase profile on key messages and campaign together to impact change.
Members of the Bonailie City will also be able to come together with the wider One EarthTM™ Community to trade time, knowledge, or money as part of a new purpose-driven trading economy.
One EarthTM Exchange will facilitate the transfer of expertise amongst the community to help one another grow and thrive. The economy will enable individuals and businesses to trade together, collaborating to raise each other up in a global community built on purpose.
Unite to
The networks and groups in the Bonailie ecosystem are designed for impact. They are there to support you in collaborating with other businesses and changemakers to help you grow and impact the tourism, travel and hospitality industry.

Kick start the economy
We will campaign with you and your networks to “Kickstart the Economy” through the Unite on Purpose Summit in addition to other events.
We will bring world leaders and business leaders together to Unite on Purpose.
Hear from 50 + speakers live and listen to 60 hours’ worth of content. You can access all of our Keynotes, Masterclasses and Workshops from our UoP Summit.
Impact Targets
195 Countries United on 21st Century Education
Our commitment
- Shift every Tourism & Travel business from a 20th century mindset to 21st century business model
- All universities and colleges to have 21st century tourism curriculums
- Every underprivileged person in tourism has access to education through Bonailie & One Earth IP
- Shift the Tourism & Travel Industry into a New Era
195 Countries United on Sustainability of our Industry and the Planet
Our commitment
- Campaign together to kickstart the global economy and create a sustainable future for businesses, our industry and the planet
- Support every business to introduce responsible tourism and sustainability policies (aligning with SDG’s)
- Campaign on the creation of climate positive businesses which declare a climate commitment.
- Change travel to make a bigger difference to the world
- Encourage tourism and travel businesses globally to have carbon management programs
195 Countries United on Creating Employment Opportunities
Our commitment
- Driving the creation of a Sustainable Tourism and Travel Industry to ensure re-employment
- Reduction of global job losses (currently 62 million)
- Commitment to ensure all future Tourism and Travel leaders have a 21st century mindset and growth skills
- Elevate positioning of the industry to encourage both future and current employees to join and remain within
195 Countries United on Building Stronger Global Communities
Our commitment
- Working together to understand the needs to support global communities
- Working with the Travel and Tourism industry to introduce programs to support communities in need
- Collaborate with travel businesses to ensure the travel packages developed support communities
- Better educate the consumer to understand the impact of the way they book travel to allow more support to global communities